Data Justice Week of Action

Week of Action

September 16th - 20th


Register for the
Data Justice Futures Event!
in the Week of Action!


Join us: Data Justice Week of Action!

Join your MACC Network and Twin Cities Innovation Alliance for our inaugural Data Justice Week of Action! Data Justice is an equity framework for upholding truth, learning, consent, and accountability in all our data practices. Our first annual Data Justice Week of Action is about putting Minnesota on the map for Data Justice. Throughout the week you'll have the opportunity to learn more about Data Justice, connect with leaders and learners advancing data sovereignty through transparency and accountability. Join the conversation with nonprofits, funders, and community members invested in embedding equity, truth and collaboration in data. 

Co-Hosted by:




How to get involved:

    Register for the Data Justice Futures: Data Justice in Philanthropy event!
    Engage on MACC's socials to learn more and join the Data Justice conversation!
    Download and read the Data Justice Report! (Comming soon!)
    Learn more about Data Justice!
    Connect with like-minded organizations and people working toward Data Justice!



Schedule: Week of Action

Check out the schedule for our upcoming week of action. See how you can get involved below!

Check out MACC's social accounts all week to follow along with great Data Justice learning opportunities, conversations, and actions you can take to advance Data Justice:






Download and read the Data Justice Report! (Coming soon!)

Download the Social Media toolkit!

On Socials: Follow along all week for great Data Justice content! 





Attend the Data Justice Futures: A Conversation with Funders Event!

On Socials: See the highlights and key takeaways from our big event! 





Reminder: Download and read the Data Justice Report! (Coming soon!)

On Socials: Learn what Data Justice AND Injsutice look like!





On Socials: Hear what Data Justice means to folks from across our community. 





Celebrate all the great learning and leaders in Data Justice! 

On Socials: See and celebrate Data Justice wins! 



Register for the
Data Justice Futures Event!
in the Week of Action!


Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities
3433 Broadway St NE, Ste 230, Minneapolis, MN 55413

© 2024 MACC All rights reserved.

Phone 612-341-1601 ·
Business Hours 8:00 am- 4:30 pm