2024 Summit Schedule


2024 MACC

  April 22nd, 24th, 25th  I  Online & In Person
  $35-$50 / Day
$100 / All Inclusive

***a $145 value!


Your 2024 Summit Schedule

Summit Day 1: Online





To do our work we need to be psychologically safe for ourselves, our colleagues, our community members, and fellow change makers. To be safe we need the resources to heal.

We can't talk about healing without understanding the ways a person’s identities intersect with the structures upheld by our society that keep people oppressed. Our wounds usually come from outside ourselves: family, work, and the systemic violence many of us see and experience every day. We can find resources for healing outside of ourselves too. 

Join author, writer, speaker, licensed mental health professional (LMSW) Minaa B., for a virtual fireside chat, an intimate conversation about how we can connect with the circles of support that surround us to access resources for healing.

This isn't about getting patched up so we can keep taking the hits that come our way. This is about healing so that we can show up the way we need to for ourselves, for each other, and in our collective work to change the systems that are beating us down.

Minaa's work rests on a simple argument: no one heals in isolation. We are continuously in relationship with others and these relationships are resources for mutual healing. There is a mutual responsibility AND a mutual benefit to healing.

You're not alone. We all have a wealth of resources around us - circles of mutual support and resources in our friends, our workplaces, our networks, and our communities. Minaa will help us find a path to mutual healing and community as we heal ourselves and one another.


Who should come: you. Yes you! This is about mutual healing and that means all of us.


Cost: $35
Location: Online
 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm







Join Ashley Oolman from Allied Folk for a dynamic workshop that uncovers the complex relationship with multilayered identities, power, and solidarity.

Ashley will lead an engaging, dialogue focused session to dig into the nuance of carrying marginalized identity while navigating social hierarchy and holding space. To challenge the status quo we need those who've been marginalized to be centered, but being centered too often brings risks and potential harm. We have to understand and integrate our own multilayered identities and the power they hold in order to safely hold space for, and center others.

Participants will be challenged to confront their own power and identify ways they can use that power to actively challenge the status quo.


Who should come: those interested in learning how to ensure mutual safety when centering those with marginalized identities and collaborating to challenge the status quo!


Cost: Included as part of Day 1
Location: Online
 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm




Summit Day 2: In Person



In Person!


IN PERSON at The Delta Marriott Hotel, NE Minneapolis!

Funders have a blind spot when it comes to funding equitable pay for the people doing the work. But not all the power is with our funders. Nonprofits can and must use our influence if we want funding that works better for our organizations and our workforce.

In this session Rusty Stahl from Fund the People will share his Funding that Works Framework. He'll give us shared language and a practical asset-based approach to advocating for funding that pays people their value. We'll also examine how our own responses to the grant making cycle, and even the ways we all talk about our work, can enable funders to continue their underinvesting.

We cannot carry out our missions without the people who do the work to advance them. You'll leave this session with a better understanding of how systemic funder underinvestment in us as the nonprofit workforce limits our potential. You'll also leave with concrete actions you can take that will start to shift conversations internally at your organization and with partners and funders.


Who should come: Program leaders, Development/Advancement teams, Grant Writers, Executive Directors, Leadership teams.

Who should also come: Anyone who works at a nonprofit. Seriously. It’s going to take ALL of us shifting the ways we talk about how our funding impacts our workloads and staffing challenges - both internally AND with funders!


Cost: $50
Location: Delta Hotels by Marriott, Minneapolis NE
 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Session + Social 
Session followed by a 1 hour Summit Social with complimentary food and drinks! We will have N/A beverages in addition to cocktails, wine, and beer, and there will be gluten free and vegan food options.




Summit Day 3: Online




Data is currency. We're being asked to exchange our time and our communities' privacy - intimate details about their lives - for access to the resources to meet fundamental community needs like food and housing.

This exchange of data for dollars has a direct impact on our ability to harness truth in storytelling and make data-informed decisions about the programs we offer. The over collection of data drains valuable time and energy from our teams and erodes our communities' trust in us as safe, equitable partners. Data is a justice issue.

We have a collective responsibility to push back on extractive, exploitative, invasive, and wasteful data requirements. Our MACC Network envisions a new relationship with our communities and their information rooted in data justice.

In this session you'll hear from a panel of local leaders and allies who are engaging in Data Justice work about why the time is right for change.

You'll gain an understanding of what Data Justice is, how it impacts your work, and what opportunities are missed when we continue with "the way things have always been". Learn what steps you can take to put Data Justice in practice at your organization, and how we can advocate for change as a network. 


Who should come: Everyone in the human services ecosystem has a role in Data Justice. Whether you are a program leader, a grant writer, an Executive Director, or front line staff - attend this session and hear how you can uplift Data Justice in your role AND what you can do to support change in your organization and the broader human service sector.


Cost: $35
Location: Online
 10:00 am - 12:00 pm





A BIG Thanks to our 2024 Summit Sponsors:



Social Hour Sponsor!



>> Become a Sponsor

Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities
3433 Broadway St NE, Ste 230, Minneapolis, MN 55413

© 2025 MACC All rights reserved.

Phone 612-341-1601 · info@macc-mn.org
Business Hours 8:00 am- 4:30 pm