COVID-19 Resource Hub

Updated: 05/18/2022

Resources for Nonprofit COVID-19 Response and Adaptation

Resource hub for MACC network members and nonprofit human-serving organizations. 

We know this outbreak is raising unique operational and service delivery concerns for our MACC network members as nonprofit, human-serving organizations. This situation is constantly evolving. This resource hub will evolve too. We'll adapt the content on this page on a rolling basis so we can feature the content that's most timely and meaningful for our network. 

Click the links to jump to a topic area:

  1. Upcoming Webinars/Online Events
  2. Legislation and Advocacy
  3. Responding to the Derek Chauvin Trial
  4. Centering Equity During COVID-19
  5. Emergency or COVID-19 Specific Funding Resources
  6. Safely Re-Opening/Returning to Work
  7. Other COVID-19 Hubs and Resource Pages
Share a resource with us!

Our commitment to staff and members:

MACC is committed to doing everything we can to keep our staff and members safe during this complex and evolving situation. Check out the plans and protocols we've implement to ensure the safety and well being of our team while they continue the critical work of supporting our network:

MACC Continuity of Operations Plan (May 2020)
MACC Return to Work Protocol (July 2020) - must be followed by any staff entering the building for any reason.



Upcoming Webinars and Online Events:

Upcoming Zoom In sessions:

New sessions coming soon!



Below is a list of webinars or other online conversations about COVID-19 response. We'll try to keep this updated as frequently as possible.



DISCUSSION BOARD: Alliance for Strong Families and Communities: Member Discussion Board

The member discussion, COVID-19 Preparedness and Response, recognizes that community-based human service organizations need specialized support and can benefit from sharing solutions with one another regarding potential risks with so much of our work being done in people’s homes, congregate and group settings, and in the community.

Once logged into the Alliance’s online community, the discussion will be in the left-hand sidebar of your dashboard. All staff at Alliance member organizations may access the discussion and online learning community by creating an account. 


Past Webinars/Online Events:

Missed a webinar? Check out our archive of previous webinars on key COVID-19 topics - view recordings, access slides, etc. 

Webinar Archive


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Legislation and Advocacy:

Keep up to date with legislation being passed in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

MACC Network Action and Advocacy

As nonprofits are called on to support and sustain our communities during this emergency it's critical that the nonprofit sector not be overlooked in the relief packages and response from federal and local government.

Cities and states are relying on nonprofit partners to help buffer our communities against the worst impacts of the outbreak. Community based organizations have critical expertise and experience needed to support the recovery effort ahead. Check out the work our network has been doing to elevate the voices of our members organizations and the needs in our communities:

Action Alerts & Resources 


Most Recent Actions and Resources:


May Action Alert: Last Chance: Support the Nonprofit Relief Fund!


Time is running out, and legislators need to hear from YOU about the immense importance of a state-funded Nonprofit Relief Fund. 

The Nonprofit Relief Fund, which would provide $200m in relief grants to Minnesota nonprofits, has been excluded in the large proposals coming from the legislature. Without strong action now, relief designed specifically for nonprofits will not happen. Voice your support by simply emailing the conference committee members. They have the power to decide what is included and we have the power to make our voices heard.

Support the Relief Fund!


May Action Alert: Oppose Legislation Harming Minnesota Nonprofits


From the Minnesota Council on Nonprofits: The Minnesota State Senate has passed legislation that would be harmful to nonprofits, specifically those whose annual revenue is 50% or more state funding. Among other things, this legislation would impose a salary cap of $127,000 on employees of these nonprofits, prohibit state agency employees from serving on these nonprofits’ boards, mandate a financial audit for these nonprofits, and require these nonprofits to run background checks on all board members and submit them to the state. 

The legislature has named 10 members to a conference committee, which will determine if these provisions are included in the bill that they send to Governor Tim Walz to become law. It is very important that these members, called conferees, hear clearly from our sector that these provisions cannot be included in that final bill.    

Voice your opposition!


Resource Offering: Strengthening State and Local Economies in Partnership with Nonprofits


This report from the National Council of Nonprofits provides Principles recommendations, and models for investing Coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds. These are the funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for state and local governments to spend at their discretion.

Get the Resource!


Additional Resources:

Executive Summary   User Guide   The Role of Nonprofit Advocacy  


April Action Alert: Sign on Opportunity - Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act


Join MACC and several other MN nonprofits in signing on by 2/24 to support the The Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act! The Act ensure that nonprofit expertise is at the table by implementing mechanisms that leverage the mission, knowledge, and impact of nonprofits to help government and the sector work together more effectively in pursuit of shared goals.   

Sign On to Support!


Updates and Analysis on Key Legislation

Minnesota Vaccine Information

Federal Legislation

Employee Retention Tax Credit (Created through the CARES Act)

The American Rescue Plan Act - March 11th, 2021

Second Draw PPP Loans - January 11th, 2021

COVID Relief Bill  - December 21st, 2020

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) - update to PPP 06/05/2020

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act eff. 03/27/2020

Paycheck Protection Program Loans (PPP) - part of CARES Act 03/27/2020

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) eff. 03/18/2020

State/Local Legislation

Looking for more details or information on earlier federal, state, or local legislative action? Check out our archive of COVID-19 related legislation:

Legislation Archive


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Responding to the Derek Chauvin Trial:

The trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd is just beginning and it is refreshing the pain, reigniting anger, and bringing up serious fears: fear of justice denied, fear of white supremacist violence and the incredible ugliness we may see. Again. Below are resources to support our communities and teams as we all grapple with the heavy things this trial brings with it:

Resource and Tools: Hubs, Articles, Webinars, Toolkits, etc.:


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Centering Equity in Responses to COVID-19:

Viruses don't discriminate, but structural racism, and centuries of discrimination and inequitable systems has meant the virus is having a disparate impact on communities of color, low income families, and women. In addition the virus has raised seriously ugly racist sentiments regarding Asian Americans. Below are resources to help your organization center equity as you work to respond to this crisis:

Resource and Tools: Hubs, Articles, Webinars, Toolkits, etc.:

Organizational, Advocacy and Data Resources:

​Looking for a resource you're positive you saw here before but can't seem to find now? It's possible we moved it to our COVID-19 resources archive! We've moved some of the less recent content over to an archive page:

Resources Archive

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Emergency or COVID-19 Specific Funding Resources:

Philanthropy and government funders are making some opportunities available for funding or other supports to help nonprofits respond to and support their communities through this crisis:

Free Legal Support Resources

Employee Retention Tax Credit (created as part of the CARES Act)

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA - update 6/5/20)

Small Business Administration/CARES Act Additional Loan Options

Minnesota Grants, Funds, or Loans

Fundraising During COVID-19, Online Fundraising and Events (Virtual Galas, Fundraisers, etc.)

Looking for a resource you're positive you saw here before but can't seem to find now? It's possible we moved it to our COVID-19 resources archive! We've moved some of the less recent content over to an archive page:

Resources Archive

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Safe Reopening/Returning to Work:

Below are resources to help your organization plan as best as possible to keep your team safe while delivering services, continuing business operations, and monitoring community impacts:

COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout

Resource Hubs:


Returning to Work and Reopening Buildings and Programs 

Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)


​Supporting your Employees Through COVID-19 and Safe Return

Support Employee Mental Health

Support Employees (and Managers of Employees) Who are Still Remote

COVID-19 PTO/Sick Time Policies

​Looking for a resource you're positive you saw here before but can't seem to find now? It's possible we moved it to our COVID-19 resources archive! We've moved some of the less recent content over to an archive page:

Resources Archive

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Other COVID-19 Hubs and Resource Pages:

Below are other online COVID-19 hubs with useful information and resources to help our organizations and communities respond as best we can to the COVID-19 crisis:

MACC Member COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resource Hubs 

COVID-19 Health and Safety Hubs

​Looking for a resource you're positive you saw here before but can't seem to find now? It's possible we moved it to our COVID-19 resources archive! We've moved some of the less recent content over to an archive page:

Resources Archive

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Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities
3433 Broadway St NE, Ste 230, Minneapolis, MN 55413

© 2025 MACC All rights reserved.

Phone 612-341-1601 ·
Business Hours 8:00 am- 4:30 pm