Action Alerts

Updated: November 2023

The MACC Network Takes Action to Support Minnesota Nonprofits

Our organizations and communities have all been deeply affected by the coronavirus outbreak. This unprecedented crisis is prompting our network to step up in some new ways to activate and share the voices of our members.

Minnesota families know that in the toughest times they can rely on nonprofits, like MACC members, to connect them to the resources they need. This work is more important than ever, as COVID-19 related disruptions threaten to exacerbate disparities in life outcomes among people of color, those with low incomes, and seniors.

Working together with as a network with our nonprofit colleagues, government, and community partners we can provide a buffer against the worst of this outbreak and equip our communities with the tools to restore, repair, and rebuild their health and wellbeing.

November Action Alert: Ensure equitable access to federal resources for nonprofits!


The Streamling Federal Grants Act holds excellent potential for streamlining federal grant administration, reducing administrative burdens, and ensuring equitable access to vital resources for nonprofits and communities nationwide!

The Streamlining Federal Grants Act addresses critical issues in managing federal grant programs. The legislation seeks to improve the effectiveness and performance of federal grants and cooperative agreements, simplify the application and reporting requirements, and facilitate greater coordination among federal agencies responsible for delivering services to the public. Notably, the bill promotes consultation with charitable nonprofits and governments and calls for improving services delivered to communities and organizations that historically have been unable to access federal grants or cooperative agreements.

Sign the letter of support!


May Action Alert: Last Chance: Support the Nonprofit Relief Fund!


Time is running out, and legislators need to hear from YOU about the immense importance of a state-funded Nonprofit Relief Fund. 

The Nonprofit Relief Fund, which would provide $200m in relief grants to Minnesota nonprofits, has been excluded in the large proposals coming from the legislature. Without strong action now, relief designed specifically for nonprofits will not happen. Voice your support by simply emailing the conference committee members. They have the power to decide what is included and we have the power to make our voices heard.

Support the Relief Fund!


May Action Alert: Oppose Legislation Harming Minnesota Nonprofits


From the Minnesota Council on Nonprofits: The Minnesota State Senate has passed legislation that would be harmful to nonprofits, specifically those whose annual revenue is 50% or more state funding. Among other things, this legislation would impose a salary cap of $127,000 on employees of these nonprofits, prohibit state agency employees from serving on these nonprofits’ boards, mandate a financial audit for these nonprofits, and require these nonprofits to run background checks on all board members and submit them to the state. 

The legislature has named 10 members to a conference committee, which will determine if these provisions are included in the bill that they send to Governor Tim Walz to become law. It is very important that these members, called conferees, hear clearly from our sector that these provisions cannot be included in that final bill.    

Voice your opposition!


Resource Offering: Strengthening State and Local Economies in Partnership with Nonprofits


This report from the National Council of Nonprofits provides Principles recommendations, and models for investing Coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds. These are the funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for state and local governments to spend at their discretion.

Get the Resource!


Additional Resources:

Executive Summary   User Guide   The Role of Nonprofit Advocacy  



April Action Alert: Sign on Opportunity - Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act


Join MACC and several other MN nonprofits in signing on by 2/24 to support the The Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act! The Act ensure that nonprofit expertise is at the table by implementing mechanisms that leverage the mission, knowledge, and impact of nonprofits to help government and the sector work together more effectively in pursuit of shared goals.   

Sign On to Support!


Op-Ed: Investing in our nonprofits strengthens us all


Over the past two years many nonprofits faced exploding demand, a decimated volunteer force, and had to made quick (and often expensive) operational and safety changes during the pandemic. It’s no surprise that nonprofits play a critical role supporting Minnesotans. What may be a surprise is that with hundreds of billions of dollars distributed to states, local governments and businesses over the past two years, nonprofits have been largely left out of state and federal relief programs designed to support organizations providing jobs and services throughout the pandemic.  

Read the Op-Ed!


March Action Alert: Join the call for a Minnesota Nonprofit Relief Fund


Nonprofits across Minnesota are calling for lawmakers to create a one-time Nonprofit Relief Fund, which would provide $200 million for nonprofits statewide.

To date, nonprofits have been largely left out of state and federal relief programs. To continue providing the support our communities need during COVID‐19 and to accelerate a more equitable recovery, Minnesota needs to invest in our nonprofits and we need your help.

How you can support relief funding for nonprofits:

Sign Your Support!


Additional Resources: 

MN Nonprofit Relief
Fund Proposal
  MN Nonprofit Relief
Fact Sheet
  MN Nonprofit COIVD
Impact Flyer
  SF 3593 MN Nonprofit
Relief Senate Bill




Action Alert: Sign on Opportunity - National Nonprofit Relief Legislation


Last Monday, more than 60 national nonprofit organizations sent a letter to President Biden and Congressional leaders calling for “urgently needed pandemic and workforce shortage relief that will enable charitable organizations to fulfill their roles in our nation’s relief, recovery, and rebuilding.” nonprofits across Minnesota are calling for lawmakers to create a one-time Nonprofit Relief Fund, which would provide $200 million for nonprofits statewide.

The letter identifies nonprofit-specific policy solutions that would provide disaster relief, address nonprofit workforce shortages, and promote volunteerism to aid our communities.

Lets make sure that Minnesota's voice is heard at the U.S. Capitol! 

Sign the Letter!


July 2021 Factsheet: Tracking MN American Rescue Plan (ARP) Dollars and Spending Priorities


Tracking how to access ARP dollars AND potentially how to influence how those
dollars are spent is a bit of a moving target. For most of these dollars- the time horizon is
quite long for when they can be spent.

This document is a collection of what we know as of mid-July 2021, collected via MACC’s advocacy
partners. It is by no means exhaustive and is likely out of date as soon as we share it with you all.



Additonal actions you can take to influce how ARP Dollars are spent:

Read the proposal for using MN ARP dollars for a Nonprofit Resilience and Recovery Fund:


Use these social media templates to amplify the ask for a Nonprofit Resilience and Recovery Fund:



June 23rd, 2021 Op Ed: Nonprofits stepped up during the pandemic; time for state to help them is now


MACC members continue to meet the exponentially growing pandemic-driven needs in our communities while simultaneously facing funding shortfalls, workforce challenges, and massive COVID-19 related operating costs. Investment in stabilizing and strengthening our nonprofit infrastructure is non-optional.



April 22nd, 2021 Op Ed: A Smart Investment in Minnesota: A Nonprofit Resiliency and Recovery Fund


MACC recently partnered with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and Greater Twin Cities United Way to co-author an Op Ed calling for a nonprofit resilience and recovery fund.



Take action by emailing:

The Governor's Office   Hue Nguyen, Dpt. Chief of Staff, Policy & Leg Affairs

Check out this fact sheet for quick info on the fund:


Take action by sharing the Op Ed with your network:


Take action by adding your name to support this letter calling for the fund:



March 22nd, 2021 Letter to MN Governor and Legislative Leaders


In March a coalition of nonprofit partners including MACC co-authored and submitted a letter to Governor Walz and our Minnesota legislative leaders. This letter made an urgent recommendation to establish a COVID-19 Nonprofit Resiliency & Recovery Fund.

Read the letter.

Take action by adding your name to support this letter:



Take action by sending this email template to the Governor and Lt. Governor:



April 14th, 2020 Letter to MN Legislative Leaders


In April MACC and our coalition of partners co-authored and submitted a second letter to our Minnesota legislative leaders.  This letter zeroed in on a few key outstanding issues facing nonprofits focused on ensuring that the conversation about resources and priorities remained forward looking and inclusive.

Read the letter.

Check out the full toolkit we built to activate our network to reach out to Minnesota leaders:



April 7th and 8th, 2020 Town Halls with Legislative Leaders


In response to our March letter to legislative leaders, in April MACC and our coalition of partners had the opportunity to host two virtual town halls with Minnesota leaders: one with Majority Leader Representative Ryan Winkler, and the second with Deputy Majority Leader Senator Michelle Benson. 


Check out the harvest of the conversations we had to gether:



March 19th, 2020 Letter to MN Legislative Leaders


On March 19th MACC co-authored and submitted a letter to our Minnesota legislative leaders that laid out a unified set of recommendations to ensure that nonprofits can continue to respond to the rapidly changing and emerging needs in our communities.

Read the letter.

Check out the full toolkit we built to activate our network to reach out to Minnesota leaders:



Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities
3433 Broadway St NE, Ste 230, Minneapolis, MN 55413

© 2025 MACC All rights reserved.

Phone 612-341-1601 ·
Business Hours 8:00 am- 4:30 pm